I don't know where I am going to live in three weeks, I am going to be working with psyciatric patients, and I don't know where I am going to get the money to go to school.
I am overwhelmed with all the options I have that are being presented to me, and confused by the fact that none of them have a concrete bottom.
I am tired beyond belief. And I can't fall asleep.
I am ceritan of only one thing. God is love. He knows what my tomorrow holds. He knows. He knows where I will rest my head in three weeks, and where I will rest it in three years. He knows. Why do I fret when I know him and I know that the God of the universe has this whole thing worked out?
Lord please help me to rest in your arms toning. Help me know that you do know.
I love you. Thank you for loving me even when I do not trust.