Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I was in the library looking outside the window and was able to see the trees swaying in the wind... then I began to wonder why I like the wind so much.? (I was so on task in that library...)
 I feel alive when the wind blows on me...  Have you ever been somewhere when there is no atmospheric movement? It feels as if the life has been sucked out of you... Then going to the bible, I think of God blowing life into humans, and Jesus filled the disciples with the Holy Spirit when He breathed on them. Breath is the symbol of life. When observing a person to see if they are "alive", you look for chest movement. 
What does it look like to be alive in the spirit? What kind of "wind" are we blowing around as born again christians?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The wind is very life giving. There is a verse in Psalms....104:4 that says the winds are His messengers. I know I have been given the right message from the wind quite a few times.