Sunday, September 7, 2008


Summer is almost over, and school is going to start rather soon, yet my grandmothers garden is still producing beautiful raspberries!! 

I was inspired when I was washing the red jewels to capture their exquisiteness. 

I might want to start a garden of my own someday... but until then I will enjoy my grandmothers garden.

If nothing else, I hope that you may decide to go to the store and purchase a case of antioxidant rich fruit... :) :) :)


Bachelor Paul said...


Terrace Crawford said...

Nothing like a grandmother's garden! Hello... just ran across your blog today. Thought I'd say hi.


bomfim said...

Que delícia!Isso é uma maravilha!
Venha me visitar . Também tem receitas deliciosas.

Anonymous said...

Those berries look positively succulent!
How could you eat them???
I was blog hopping and found your post.
Have a great day!