Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh the Effort!

    I had to pull off on the side of the road, and jump a rock wall in order to capture the images of these grapes!! I was so proud of myself... I am not sure why I was proud, but I was! Are these not the most beautiful grapes ever?

 The bees were enjoying the sunflowers almost as much as I was:)

Well, well, well...
Today was fab-u-lous! I was able to start classes, and take a bit of a trip into Napa. Now I must study, study, study... I am in a repetitious mood! which is a good thing because studying is coming up rather soon!


Anonymous said...

I love eating grapes off the vine. They are so...full of life!

Lindsay said...

Well, I do wish that I could have tried one off the vine the other day, but I just know that I would have been caught by the vinedresser!
Do you grow grapes?