Monday, November 17, 2008

Birthday #4

Mia and her profile as the sun was rising on Monday morning!!

Man, God is soooo amazing. I Love that fact that He chooses to speak to me though beauty.

(I love to photoshop!)

Mia and I on our hike in Napa on Sunday after church.
(We always wind up sweaty when we hang out!)

I had a lovely birthday, from the moment that I woke up and gave out my first meds in the hospital, to having my dear mother come out to see me for a birthday lunch. I had a lovely time at dinner with my friends at dinner, and Mia made my weekend wonderful.
I thank God for all the blessings that He has put in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos. I've never photoshop-ed before. Is it really that fun?