Sunday, March 25, 2012


Sitting at the bedside of dying people is my job. I am a hospice nurse.
It is a conversation stopper, and a "oh, it takes a special person to do that" comment,
whenever I am asked what I do for a living...
Both of these reactions make me uncomfortable.

EVERYone dies... just in the case that you didn't realize that.

So why do we gingerly step around the subject, or feel weird about it? And why do people think that that would take a special person? For goodness sake, anyone could sit with an outstretched hand to someone... Aren't we all dying?

Today I was able to sit with a little italian lady. She would babble in italian, and even though I spent three months in Italy when I was young, the only word that I could make out was, grazie (thank you). She had fallen twice yesterday, and had a bruised orbital area, as well as a couple stitches. She also must have tried to catch herself as she was falling because she also had a purple hand/wrist.
As I was sitting there doing my nursing assessment, I reached out for her hand.
As I held it I prayed for her aloud, asking God to bless her. When I tried to remove my hand, she would not let go.
How many people are desperate? in need of a simple touch? Who need love?

We have the answer fellow Christians!!! Why, why am I so reluctant to love?
Real love is being willing to tell others the truth.

God made each and every one of us special.
No one is alike.
We each have an area of influence.. at least that is what they say.
I have seen it over and again, how we all affect each other.
Why not take a moment to think about how much Christ has saved us from, and then actually respond.
Speak that truth in love.

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