Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The wind is blowing, and the sun is shining.
Life is good.

Looking out my window I see shadows dancing on the apartment building next to mine. My window is open allowing some fresh air in, and the noises of tree branches and leaves rustling also enter my room and grace my ears.

I am observing the shadow cast by the tree. It is like abstract art. The tree itself is very realistic looking (cause it is real) and the picture I see of it in the shadow doesn't lie... it tells the story but from a different perspective. It is not as detailed, it is only one color, the form is clear, but the details fuzzy. It moves and changes as the tree itself changes, but it cant change on its own... it needs the tree to change first, before it can move.
It needs light to shine to be seen, otherwise it is irrelevant and absent. The tree will always be, but the shadow is something different.... it is not constant, nor is it able to be felt.

Why did God make shadows?

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