Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It feels like winter (finally)...
 The wind is blistery, and my whole being feels frozen in time (esp. my brain). I have so much I need to accomplish, and yet it seems impossible to grow/learn when the world is cold. 

Last night it was pouring rain, 
I needed to do something productive with my night,
 so I got my workout pants on and headed down to the little gym in the dorm.
 All the machines were full... 
this gym is extremely small, and though there were many machines that were open, 
the only three that work well were in use.
So plan B came to mind. I dropped my book off, and headed outside. 
The wind was extreme.
 The rain was marvoulus and I was on cloud 9.
 One of my favorite things to do is to run in the rain. (But I seem to forget this, when I start becoming frightened by the weather.) 
It saved my soul last night. 
It brought me life,
 and the Lord was close to


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite memories is walking in a winter rain. The drops fell on the back of my neck and they felt like kisses from God.

Thanks for the reminder and yes, stuff like that will definately save your soul.

Anonymous said...

You are so creatiave in the way that you write. I love it...and you.